A south Texas native, Theresa attended Texas Woman’s University and graduated with honors and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Dance in 2005. During her time in North Texas, she performed with Muscle Memory Dance Theatre, a professional modern dance company. She then relocated to Los Angeles to attend the University of Southern California and graduated with her Doctor of Physical Therapy from USC in 2008.
Theresa became Power Pilates certified in 2001 and taught mat and equipment classes in the Dallas, San Antonio and Los Angeles metro areas. In Los Angeles, she had the privilege of being a staff physical therapist and Pilates instructor at the prestigious Performing Arts Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio of LA. She continued to expand her career into group fitness, barre workouts, and taking on managing clinician positions. She enjoyed the variety as well as pushing the limit of fitness, being trusted by all clients to do so in a safe and fun way. In 2017, Theresa combined her knowledge of operating a small business and using her experiences and passions to grow in to her own business of Pride Physique.
Theresa is very passionate about health and fitness and believes in treating the whole person, mind and body. For this reason, she also offers coaching services to her clients for life wellness. Balance is the key and she teaches this to all her fitness and rehabilitation clients.
Dr. Lisa Harlan, PT
Spine Specialist and Pilates Instructor
Neda first experienced Pilates in her late teens as she began her fitness journey. Completing her Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health Science, she continued to explore the benefits of Pilates. Working with Athletic Clubs around the metro-Atlanta area, she continued to deepen her understanding while sharing her knowledge with her students.
Neda has personally experienced how Pilates builds a strong core, increases strength and flexibility simultaneously, while improving posture, stability and alignment. It also emphasizes complete concentration on smooth, flowing movement, and proper breathing. You become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how best to control its movement.
Neda continues to share the benefits as a Pilates Instructor with patience and determination imparting knowledge from more than 16 years of teaching, both group and private. Using proper cueing, Neda’s clients experience a safe and creative workout in a comfortable environment.
Neda finds time, when she is not teaching, to work with the Susan G. Komen 3 day walk to support the study and research to end breast cancer. In addition, she enjoys helping various pet rescue organizations as a foster parent and a thoughtful sponsor, which led her to her other passion of caring for fur-animal family members. Neda enjoys working out and can be found at the pool throughout the summer.
Dr. Theresa Pride, DPT
CEO/Founder, Pilates and Energy Healer
Lisa Harlan completed her BFA in Ballet and Kinesiology from Texas Christian University as a Nordan Fine Art’s scholar recipient. She danced professionally for Georgia Ballet and taught classical ballet for local schools in and around Atlanta. She then decided to further her education and moved to Miami and completed her doctorate in Physical Therapy from University of Miami in 2009.
Lisa started work as a physical therapist with a large, nonprofit hospital system in southwest Florida and worked as a staff therapist for 5 years with multiple types of patients including those with orthopedic and neurologic diagnoses. Lisa and her husband moved back to Atlanta in 2014 and she started practicing with Emory Physical Therapy in a spine specialty clinic.
Lisa is a graduate of Polestar Pilates for Rehabilitation and is certified by the Pilates Method Alliance since 2010. She enjoys incorporating Pilates principles into her rehabilitation. She has continuing education experience in myofascial release, women's health, spinal mobilization, treatment of osteoporosis, and is certified in trigger point dry needling.
Lisa is excited to join Pride Physique and continue expanding her knowledge as an instructor and therapist. Lisa is passionate about health and wellbeing and tries to impart that passion to all her clients.
Neda Saraj
Pilates Instructor and CEO of Zoo Saraj Pet Sitting